Eating Healthy and Living Healthy

My journey started almost 3 years ago, when my partner Chuck passed away. He cooked almost all the time and tried to fix healthy meals. We tried using less fat meat, and eventually settled on turkey as our only meat meal. However, my health did not improve and my high blood pressure actually became worse. My primary care physician suggested taking more blood thinner but,  I did not want to take any more pills. My brother Sandy suggested whole food plant-based eating but, I was hesitant to try it. After Chuck’s passing, I decided to give it a try. It was difficult to give up meat but, I reminded myself of the health benefits. My brother gave me many pointers and encouraged me to research and make an informed decision. I found so many recipes online and some of my own.This is my journey towards eating and living healthier. Thank you for taking this journey with me and thank you Sandy for the encouragement. A special thanks to Josh for giving me so much input that, I finally could see where my website can fly.

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